
Our donations account:
Care-for-Rare Foundation | Sparkasse Ulm | IBAN: DE93 6305 0000 0000 0035 33 | SWIFT-BIC: SOLADES1ULM
Please support us with your donation!
Our current donation projects:
You can currently donate directly to the following projects:

Please support the Care-for-Rare Foundation in general

Scivias Study: New Directions in Diagnostics and Prevention

Fighting together against pediatric cancer

Long-Covid: Special outpatient clinic at Munich University Children’s Hospitals

Extension of the sequencing platform

Please support the funding line Alliance

Please support the funding line Academy

Please support the funding line Awareness

Please support the funding line Aid

Please support the funding line Awards
Thank you for your support!
Every donation goes directly and without deduction to our funding projects. You can deduct your donation for tax purposes. For donations of 200 euros or more, you will automatically receive a donation receipt from us for the tax office. For donations up to 200 euros, it is sufficient to submit a bank statement to the tax office as proof for the tax deduction. On request, we will of course continue to issue receipts for lower amounts.
Have you inherited money or have other financial resources at your disposal which you would like to put to work for a good cause in your name? Education programs can be set up in your name if you so wish using the income from your endowment. We look forward to getting in touch with you at