Our commitment in projects

We give children with rare diseases hope for cure: Our current donation projects

Please support the Care-for-Rare Foundation in general
We help children with rare diseases Since its foundation, Care-for-Rare has already achieved many milestones, but we still have a ...

Scivias Study: New Directions in Diagnostics and Prevention
November 2020 ---Almost 900 years ago, Hildegard von Bingen coined the idea that the eye is the window to the ...

Fighting together against pediatric cancer
Clara* is a happy child. She plays with her little brother in the garden, and likes soccer best of all ...

Long-Covid: Special outpatient clinic at Munich University Children’s Hospitals
The corona pandemic poses new challenges for the health care system and also for pediatric medicine. Currently, it is also ...

Extension of the sequencing platform
Please continue to help us!Thanks to grants raised, the Care-for-Rare Foundation is covering a large portion of the laboratory and ...

Please support the funding line Alliance
Network excellence worldwideThe international Care-for-Rare Alliance unites physicians and scientists in many institutions and countries in their joint mission: to ...

Please support the funding line Academy
Progress through knowledgeThe Care-for-Rare Academy Program aims to help young doctors and scientists acquire skills in the interdisciplinary care of ...

Please support the funding line Awareness
More awareness for the orphans of medicineWith the funding line Awareness, the Foundation wants to raise wider public awareness of ...

Please support the funding line Aid
Global help for children with rare diseases In individual cases Care-for-Rare Aid helps young patients facing acute emergencies with financial ...

Please support the funding line Awards
Awarded commitmentThe Care-for-Rare Foundation annually awards two prices on rare diseases in children: the Care-for-Rare Science Award and the Dr ...
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